November News and Notes

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News and Notes for APA District Branches/State Associations

November 2021

This monthly newsletter is prepared by the APA’s Communications Team as a benefit for our District Branches and State Associations. Feel free to share the articles below in your own newsletter. If you have any questions, please contact James Carty at or 202-609-7077.

Want to keep up with APA in between newsletters? Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, (@APAPsychiatric), Instagram and LinkedIn for the latest news and updates.

What’s New at the APA

  • APA joined a statement with 15 other mental health organizations applauding a decision by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) to add mood disorders to its list of underlying medical conditions associated with higher risk for severe COVID-19. The new guidance directs health professionals to prioritize individuals with mental health disorders for treatment and vaccination for COVID-19. You can read the full statement and learn more about the CDC decision here.
  • New research published in the latest issue of Psychiatric Services found that telehealth addiction treatment rose during the pandemic, but the potential benefits on patient outcomes still remain unclear. The main benefits of increased telehealth treatment for addiction included convenience and increased patient engagement. You read more about the study and access Psychiatric Services here

Key Dates and Observances

APA Communications staff maintains a calendar of key dates, observances and events at APA and in the world of mental health in general. The calendar is kept up to date a few months in advance. You can view the calendar and keep track of important mental health dates and observances here.

Briefs for Your Newsletter

2022 APA Election: Candidates Announced

APA has announced its 2022 candidates for president-elect, treasurer, trustee at large, Area 3 and 6 trustees, and resident-fellow member trustee-elect. The deadline for candidates who wish to run by petition is Wednesday, November 10. Learn more about the candidates’ platforms in a series of town halls from Monday to Thursday, December 13 to 16, and submit questions for them to answer.

APA Presidential Task Force on Social Determinants of Mental Health Virtual Town Halls

Join APA leaders for two town halls featuring presentations on the importance of the social determinants of mental health (SDoMH) in psychiatry, the efforts of the APA Presidential Task Force on SDoMH, and the opportunity to engage with task force members. The first town hall will explore SDoMH in the context of clinical practice, research, and education. The second town hall will explore SDoMH in the context of policy and public health. 

Part One: Clinical Practice, Research and Education

  • Wed., Nov. 3
  •  6:00 - 7:30 p.m. ET

Part Two: Policy and Public Health

  • Wed., Dec. 1
  •  6:00 - 7:30 p.m. ET

November Course of the Month – Caring for Veterans

Reviewing unique issues facing veterans will assist clinicians in delivering more comprehensive care. This course will explore updated information in several key areas including how mental health affects physical health, impacts of impaired homeostasis, suicide prevention, and psychotherapy/psychopharmacology for PTSD. This course will also discuss the role of physical exercise in managing allostatic load and recovery.

Click here to access the Course of the Month and sign up for updates about this free member benefit.

Mental Health Professionals Guide to Their Role in the Criminal Justice System

This pocket guide is intended as a resource for all mental health professionals on how they can better support individuals with mental illness who unfortunately become entangled in the criminal justice system.

Related: Free resources around Justice from the APA Foundation:

Coming in March 2022: DSM-5-TR
With contributions from more than 200 subject matter experts, this updated volume boasts the most current text updates based on the scientific literature. Now in full color, DSM-5-TR provides a cohesive, updated presentation of criteria, diagnostic codes, and text. This latest volume offers a common language for clinicians involved in the diagnosis and study of mental disorders and facilitates an objective assessment of symptom presentations across a variety of clinical settings—inpatient, outpatient, partial hospital, consultation-liaison, clinical, private practice, and primary care.

Mentally Healthy Nation Podcast 

Mentally Healthy Nation is the voice of the American Psychiatric Association Foundation. Join us for candid conversations that will focus on educating the public and providing tangible solutions to our mental health crisis. Each episode will focus on an aspect of mental health that impacts your community, where you live, learn, work, and worship.

REIMAGINE: A Week of Action to Reimagine Our National Response to People in Crisis

The American Psychiatric Association is pleased to be a partner in REIMAGINE: A Week of Action to Reimagine Our National Response to People in Crisis, a week of activities taking place Nov. 15-19 that will explore the impact of our current response to crises and provide opportunities to advocate to change things for the better. You are invited to participate and invite others in your District Branch to participate. 

Carol Davis Ethics Award—Deadline: November 15
The Carol Davis Ethics Award promotes the educational role of the ethics process and is presented to an APA member who has written an outstanding publication on ethics. Nominate a colleague now:

Protect Your Social Security Number from Identity Theft:  Use an EIN For Business Purposes

Psychiatrists in solo practice who use their social security numbers (SSNs) for business purposes may want to consider using an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for their business. SSNs contain personal information that criminals can use in their attempts to commit fraud and identity theft. It is not possible to use an EIN for these purposes.  

A new federal regulation, the Transparency in Coverage rule, mandates that effective January 2022, health plans must make publicly available the rates they pay to in- and out-of-network providers, and that these rates be associated with a provider EIN or other tax identification number, such as an SSN.  For psychiatrists who are still using their SSN for business purposes, now is the time to file for an EIN and notify any plans for which you currently provide in-network or out-of-network care that you are no longer using SSNs.  

The EIN is easy to apply for and serves the same purpose as a SSN – to file taxes and apply for credit.  Applications can be made here
