2018 Annual Meeting

We invite you to join us in
Yosemite, California
Friday, April 6th – Sunday, 8th, 2018.

This three-day conference for psychiatrists and other mental health professionals will integrate recent scientific data with current clinical practice regarding positive psychology, preventative psychiatry, and opioid use disorders. In addition, attendees will learn about emerging technologies and strategies in the delivery of psychiatric care as well as "how Big Pharma thinks." Psychiatry residents are invited once again to participate in case presentations as well as poster sessions.  We are having our annual Residents’ Social & Mentoring at the Annual Meeting. This is an opportunity for Residents from all over Central California to get together and network with other RFMs as well as learn from practicing psychiatrists from different settings. Each RFM is eligible for one night accommodations in a standard room at the Tenaya Lodge or two nights accommodations in a standard room if two RFM’s shared a room for both nights. For information on this please contact Chris Stockton at (888) 234-1613.

Friday, April 6, 2018 (2 pm) - Sunday, April 8, 2018 (11:30am)

Tenaya Lodge
1122 Highway 41
Fish Camp, CA 93623

Submission Deadlines:

December 12, 2024

Poster Size: 36(w) x 24(h) inches


  • Original Research
    • 1st Place - $300
    • 2nd Place - $200
    • 3rd Place - $100
  • Case Report
    • ​1st Place - $300
    • 2nd Place - $200
    • 3rd Place - $100

Eligibility: Any medical student or resident fellow member of APA. Submissions may have been presented at another meeting or pending/published elsewhere as long as they are the presenter's original work.

Original research or case reports: Describe research or a case that highlights new research into psychiatry or unique presentations of mental disorders. These may have been presented at other meetings.

Responsibility: If your abstract is accepted, you are expected to register for and attend the Annual Meeting. Posters will be presented during the breaks on Saturday, and at least one presenter should be present during these times.

Judging Criteria: Significance (10 points), poster presentation/visual impact (10 points), methods (10 points), interview (10 points)


Submission Deadline: November 7, 2024


  • 1st Place - $300
  • 2nd Place - $200
  • 3rd Place - $100

Resident Vignette Abstract Submission Guidelines

Clinical Case Vignette Competition:

  • The clinical vignettes are meant to highlight interesting cases that have a relevant psychiatric and/or general medical teaching point(s) for the attendees. The more creative the presentation, the better. Examples include:
    • They highlight common presentations of less common disorders
    • They highlight unusual presentations of common disorders
    • They illustrate an important principle about diagnosis, prevention or treatment
    • They demonstrate an innovative and/or integrated approach to the management of a patient with co-morbid medical and psychiatric disease

The rules of the vignette competition are as follows:

  • Case vignette submissions are to be from CCPS area residents (e.g. UCLA-Kern, Kaweah Delta, UCSF-Fresno, UC Davis). Non-CCPS residents may submit vignettes for consideration by the planning committee on a case-by-case basis. Each submission must have an identified faculty mentor.
  • Vignette abstracts must be submitted in the format described below, and should include a brief description of the case, discussion related to a differential diagnosis, a brief discussion of the importance and educational merit of the case – usually related to the diagnosis, prognosis, prevention or treatment.
    • 2 independent reviewers will review the abstracts, and up to 6 vignettes will be chosen for presentation.
    • When possible, at least one abstract will be chosen for presentation per residency program. Residency programs may submit more than one case vignette. However, if additional presentation slots are available in the competition after choosing one abstract per program, additional abstracts (maximum of 2 per residency program) will be selected.
    • Abstract submissions must be received before November 7, 2024 . Authors of abstracts accepted for the clinical case vignette competition will be notified by early December 2024. All abstract authors must be able to attend the CCPS meeting.
  • Abstract format for submission
    • Presenter Name:
    • Faculty Advisor Name:
    • Institution:
    • Title of Vignette:
    • Brief Abstract: (Limit 150 words):
  • Responsibility
    • If your abstract is accepted, you are expected to register for and attend the Annual Meeting
    • Vignettes will be presented on Saturday, and exact times will be assigned approximately one month before the meeting.
  • Case presentations will be limited to 12 minutes
    • Presenters will be given a warning when 2 minutes are remaining and again when 30 seconds are remaining.
    • Presenters who go over the 12-minute allotted time will lose points when being scored for the competition.
    • Presenters who go beyond 14 minutes will not be allowed to continue their presentation as time constraints will not allow presentations beyond this time limit.
    • There will be a 5-minute period of audience questions and discussion following the presentation.
  • Vignettes will be judged on the following criteria:
    • Clarity of presentation (10 pts)
      • Concise, well organized, and complete
      • Verbal presentation
      • A/V materials
    • Significance (10 pts)
      • Clinically important
      • Contributes to knowledge
      • Interesting
    • Relevance to clinical practice (10 pts)
      • Unique overlap between medicine and psychiatry
      • Use of evidence-based methodology as applicable
    • Quality of Q&A and discussion period (5 pts)
    • Adherence to time limit. (-2 pts for 31-60 seconds over, -4 pts for 61-90 seconds over, -6 pts for 91-120 seconds over, -8 pts >2minutes over)
  • A prize will be awarded for the first, second, and third place vignette

Tips for presenters:

Preparing a vignette presentation:
Useful tips are available on the ACP website at

Writing an abstract for submission:
Useful tips are available on the ACP website at

As a Partner, you will have the unique opportunity to showcase your products and services, extend your brand identity visible presence among the psychiatric community. There are a variety of benefits offered to our corporate partners/sponsors. It provides your organization

Sponsorship Opportunities
Support this great event and become a sponsor today. For more information on the various sponsorship opportunities and benefits available, please CLICK HERE.

Exhibitor Opportunities
Gain exposure to our highly motivated physicians and residents from California and neighboring states. For more information on the various exhibitor opportunities and benefits available, please CLICK HERE.

2:00pm – 6:00pm Registration and Exhibit open
5:00pm – 5:15pm Introduction and Welcome
5:15pm – 6:30pm Frontotemporal Dementia
Presented by: Loren Alving, MD
6:30pm – 9:00pm Dinner and a Movie - Viewing of the Japanese Film "Departures"
Francis Lu, MD and Suzanne Shimoyama, MD
7:00am – 8:30am Breakfast / Exhibits / Poster Set up
7:30am – 8:30am Mentorship Program
8:30am – 10:00am Healthy Aging: Positive Psychiatry of Aging in Clinical Practice
Presented by: Dilip Jeste, MD
10:00am – 10:30am Break / Exhibits / Poster Session
10:30am – 11:45am Resident Vignette Competition
11:40am – 12:00pm Visit Exhibitors / Lunch Set up
12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch / Job Fair Presentations
1:00pm – 2:30pm The Hybrid Doctor-Patient Relationship – In-Person and Online
Presented by: Peter Yellowlees, MD
2:30pm – 3:00pm Break / Poster Session
3:00pm – 4:00pm The Tramadol Epidemic: Understanding the risks of Addiction, Serotonin Syndrome, and Seizures
Presented by: Sameer Hassamal, MD
4:00pm – 4:30pm Poster Take Down
4:00pm – 6:00pm Caucuses / Meeting / Free Time
5:30pm – 7:00pm CPA-PAC Reception
7:00pm – 8:30pm Dinner / Awards & Entertainment
6:30am Fun Run
7:00am – 8:00am Breakfast
8:00am – 9:30am Prevention Implementation in Psychiatry
Presented by: Ruth Shim, MD and Shannon Suo, MD
9:30am – 9:45am Break
9:45am – 11:15am Thinking Like Biopharma: How to Use Their Information to Most Help Your Patients
Presented by: Michael Caton, MD
11:15am – 11:30am Closing Remarks and Final Drawing


Loren I. Alving, MD

Loren I. Alving, MD is a Clinical Professor of Neurology, UCSF Fresno, and Director of the UCSF Fresno Alzheimer's & Memory Center. She completed her medical degree at University of California San Diego, CA, and completed an internal medicine internship at Valley Medical Center, Fresno, CA. She completed her residency training in Neurology as well as a Computational Neural Modeling Fellowship at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.

Dilip V. Jeste, MD

Dr. Dilip Jeste is Senior Associate Dean for Healthy Aging and Senior Care, Estelle and Edgar Levi Chair in Aging, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, and Director of the Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging at UC San Diego. His main areas of interest are successful psychosocial aging. He is Past President of several organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Jeste is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. He is Principal Investigator on several research and training grants. He has published 12 books and over 600 articles in peer-reviewed journals and over 100 book chapters. Dr. Jeste has received multiple awards and has been in the list of the "world's most cited authors" --comprising fewer than 0.5% of all publishing researchers of the previous two decades.

Francis G. Lu, MD

Francis G. Lu, MD, is the Luke & Grace Kim Professor in Cultural Psychiatry, Emeritus, at the University of California, Davis. As a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Lu has contributed to the areas of cultural psychiatry, psychiatric education especially mentoring and career development, film and psychiatry, and psychiatry/religion/spirituality. Since 1987, he has co-led 34 film seminars at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA.

In 2008, the American Psychiatric Foundation awarded him one of its Advancing Minority Mental Health Awards and the Association for Academic Psychiatry awarded him its Lifetime Achievement Award. He is currently Secretary of the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture, on the Board of the World Association for Cultural Psychiatry and a member of the Group for the Advancement Cultural Psychiatry Committee. At the 2016 APA Annual Meeting, President Renee Binder presented him with a Special Presidential Commendation "for extraordinary leadership and outstanding contributions to the field of cultural psychiatry."

Ruth Shim, MD, MPH

Ruth Shim, MD, MPH is holder of the Luke & Grace Kim Professorship in Cultural Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine. She is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Director of Cultural Psychiatry at UC Davis.

Dr. Shim received an M.P.H. in health policy from Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University and an M.D. from Emory University School of Medicine. She is board certified in psychiatry and is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a member of the American College of Psychiatrists, and is chair of the Fellowship Committee of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. She is a member of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's Committee on Changing Behavioral Health Social Norms through Messaging for the Public. She serves on the Editorial Boards of Psychiatric Services and American Psychiatric Publishing, and is co-editor of the book, The Social Determinants of Mental Health.

Suanne Shimoyama, MD

Suzanne Shimoyama is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow at UC Davis Medical Center, where she also completed her General Psychiatry Residency. Originally from Northridge, California, Suzanne completed medical school at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. Prior to pursuing a career in medicine, Suzanne worked for nearly a decade in television and film including writing for a popular children's television show. She holds a bachelor's degree in Ethnic Studies from the University of California at Berkeley. Suzanne's professional interests include treatment of trauma in children and adolescents, developmental disabilities, the intersection of psychiatry and the media, and cultural psychiatry. She enjoys spending time in the outdoors with her husband and daughter and playing the ukulele.

Peter Yellowless, MB, MS MD

Dr Yellowlees lives in Sacramento California, where he is Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California Davis. He is President of the American Telemedicine Association, a member of the National Academy of Sciences review committee evaluating the national VA mental health services for veterans, a member of the American Psychiatric Association workgroup on telepsychiatry, and co-founder of HealthLinkNow Inc.

Dr Yellowlees is an experienced speaker and media commentator who written and produced over 180 video editorials on Psychiatry for Medscape. He has a number of research interests and is presently working on the development and validation of asynchronous telepsychiatry, automated translation and clinical interpreting systems, internet e-mail and video consultation services and assessment and treatment protocols to improve physician health and wellness.

From a clinical perspective Dr Yellowlees is an expert in physician health and telepsychiatry. He chairs the UC Davis Health System Wellbeing Committee and has many physicians as patients. He has provided clinical consultations to patients on Indian Health reservations via telemedicine for over a decade.

Dr. Yellowlees has worked in public and private sectors in the USA, Australia and the UK, in academia, and in rural settings. He has published five books and over 200 scientific articles and book chapters.

Tenaya Lodge
1122 Highway 41, Fish Camp, CA 93623

An elegant resort in the California High Sierra, Tenaya Lodge is your
gateway to four seasons of Yosemite adventure. At Tenaya Lodge you
rest, play and rejuvenate. You make memories that you never forget.

Hotel Reservations are Now Available.


Room Rate is $169.00 per night.*
To reserve a room online: Please Click Here

OR call 800-635-5807, option #1 and reference the CCPS or use group code 3168AE

Our block rate is limited, so please make your reservations ASAP.

Enjoy your time in beautiful Tenaya Lodge. There’s a lot to explore!

Yosemite Hiking – Yosemite National Park and the Southern Sierra region are laced with hundreds of miles of hiking trails, ranging from easy ambles to ambitious treks. Depending on the trail and destination, sneakers may work as well as laced-up hiking boots. Explore independently, or hire a pro hiking guide for a personalized experience. Tenaya Lodge also offers guided group hikes that take you to hidden Sierra waterfalls, giant sequoia groves, and even into the forest by flashlight at night!

Guided Waterfall Nature Hike – This guided experience traverses 5.5 miles of stunning hiking trails in the Sierra National Forest. Your final destination is a small, infrequently visited waterfall. You'll follow trails and Forest Service roads until you reach a path along the creek built to feed the flume from the logging days, that once carried logs all the way down to the mills in Madera. Now it's a quiet forest walk along a tranquil stream in the Sierra National forest near Yosemite.

Mountain Biking In the Sierra National Forest – Crisp mountain air, easy trails and scenic tours make Tenaya Lodge bike riding a great pastime for all ages. Guests can experience miles of mountain biking trails through majestic Sierra National Forest on the border of Yosemite National Park. You can take a short easy ride down Jackson Road or take longer rides through the Nelder Grove of Giant Sequoias or up to a historic fire tower at Signal Peak.

Rock Climbing – Ready to climb a rock? Yosemite offers some of the finest opportunities in the world for climbers of all levels, from first steps on Tenaya Lodge's 18-foot wall all the way to ascents of the massive El Capitan. Since the first ascent in 1958, The Nose route on El Cap stands as probably the most famous climb in the world — over 3,000 feet, almost a full kilometer, of technical climbing that is still considered a feather in the cap of even experienced climbers.

Horseback Riding – Yosemite Trails Pack Station offers rides for beginners and advanced riders through some of the most beautiful riding terrain around. Ride through tall pines, along western wagon trails, on the banks of Big Creek, or among giant sequoias. All rides have stream crossings and varied terrain. Just a mile from Tenaya Lodge, horseback trail rides are available daily through the summer and fall (weather permitting). Weight and age limits apply.

Guided Nature Hike – Walk with a Tenaya guide through the Sierra National Forest. Learn about the plants and animals of the area and open your senses to nature. Your guide will take you through about 1.5 miles of forest trails, leaving directly from the hotel — no need for a car! This is a relatively easy walk accessible to a wide range of walkers. This is a great way to learn about the plants and animals in and near Yosemite.

If you would like to know about some of the adventuring activity to do around Yosemite; please visit https://www.tenayalodge.com/things-to-do.