What’s New at the APA
- The APA Foundation and the HOPE (Healing On Purpose and Evolving) Center Harlem received a $100,000 grant from MTV Entertainment Studios to facilitate an after-school symposium for youth called “Let’s Talk: Youth Mental Health Action Day.” The symposium is free and open to the public and will occur on Mental Health Action Day (May 18) and will educate middle and high school students about mental health care and substance use challenges, with a specific focus on youth of color. You can read more about the grant here.
- Four in five Americans said they would change their diet to improve their mental health according to the latest Healthy Minds Monthly public opinion poll from the APA and Morning Consult. Two-thirds of those polled said they felt knowledgeable about the connection between nutrition and mental health, while 81% said they would change their diet to improve their mental health and wellbeing. You can read the full results of the poll on mental health and nutrition here.
Visit APA’s Newsroom for the latest news releases, statements, blogs, monthly public opinion poll results, and other information.
APA Quarterly Communications Update
Thanks to all who have attended the first two webinars on communications! We are planning these for the second Tuesday of every other month at 3 pm, as live and recorded webinars. These are open to any APA member, but specifically geared to those who are active in their DB/SAs.
Next up:
June 13, 3 pm
Media Relations 101 with Senior Media Relations Manager Erin Connors
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RVTc7epLRaShRc-d797sYg
Social Media for Organized Psychiatry: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/mjz5c86fOi7bZzqG6NpqVSRFNd9pE2TGvhFgMWpmsyJMm9zgOzh-cYhBZjPWH8-0.nkjSdBy6TGH7oN-T
Passcode: q3tf@A##
APA Storytelling for Communications:
Passcode: 0N?7DHc=
APA’s Youtube channel has a plethora of mental health focused videos you can use on social media or share elsewhere. Check out our playlist of Spanish language mental health explainers:
This folder includes many infographics you can use, including those covering our latest two polls on nutrition and pets:
We recently released poll data on pets and mental health as well as nutrition and mental health. In May, Mental Health Awareness Month, we’ll focus on What is Psychiatry, including a variety of graphics that can help explain the field of psychiatry to the public. We’ll also release our annual Healthy Minds poll, which tracks, among other things, self-reported levels of anxiety, feelings about workplace mental health, and this year will include specific questions about addiction.
Please contact us (vtitterton@psych.org) with any questions you have!
Briefs for Your Newsletter
May Course of the Month – Assessment and Management of Memory Complaints in Older Adults
Currently, over 6 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and the number is expected to double by 2050. With the aging of the population, psychiatrists are likely to see more older patients who are concerned about their memory. This course will discuss the approach to the assessment of memory complaints in older adults, review the appropriate office work-up of cognitive complaints, discuss the differential diagnosis of memory complaints, review current best practices for the pharmacologic treatment of cognitive impairment in dementia, and more.
Click here to access the Course of the Month and sign up for updates about this free member benefit.
APA 2023 Annual Meeting
There is still time to register for the premiere psychiatric event of the year! Come & connect with world-renowned experts and professionals in psychiatry while enjoying the rich cultural opportunities the “Golden Gate City” has to offer at APA’s 2023 Annual Meeting! Register today & save!
APA Foundation Benefit
Join us at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art for a celebration unlike any other. Come together with leaders, colleagues, and friends to honor the work of our APA Foundation - pushing forward toward its vision: A Mentally Healthy Nation for All. It will truly be an experience like no other - don't miss out on this unique opportunity!
Explore APA’s MOORE Equity in Mental Health Activities
Registration is open for APA’s 5K Run, Walk, & Roll on Saturday, July 29. This race—which can be completed in person or virtually—will raise money to support programs working to improve the mental health of young people of color. Learn about other events to be held throughout July.
Add-On Registration for Paid Courses at the APA Annual Meeting
Registration for paid courses is available as an add-on in the registration platform during or after completing your in-person Annual Meeting registration. Visit the Registration Resource Center to add a Paid Course.
View Master Courses for additional full-day paid course options at the meeting.
Do You Know Where to Find the Latest Stories in Psych News?
Check out the Newswire (formerly PN in Advance) section of the website, where new articles are published each week. This week learn about psychiatrists' reactions to the growing number of policies across the country to divert people with mental illness experiencing homelessness from the streets into treatment and more.