Vignette Submission

Submission Deadline: November 7, 2024


Resident Vignette Abstract Submission Guidelines

Clinical Case Vignette Competition:

  • The clinical vignettes are meant to highlight interesting cases that have a relevant psychiatric and/or general medical teaching point(s) for the attendees. The more creative the presentation, the better. Examples include:
    • They highlight common presentations of less common disorders
    • They highlight unusual presentations of common disorders
    • They illustrate an important principle about diagnosis, prevention or treatment
    • They demonstrate an innovative and/or integrated approach to the management of a patient with co-morbid medical and psychiatric disease

The rules of the vignette competition are as follows:

  • Case vignette submissions are to be from CCPS area residents (e.g. UCLA-Kern, Kaweah Delta, UCSF-Fresno, UC Davis). Non-CCPS residents may submit vignettes for consideration by the planning committee on a case-by-case basis. Each submission must have an identified faculty mentor.
  • Vignette abstracts must be submitted in the format described below, and should include a brief description of the case, discussion related to a differential diagnosis, a brief discussion of the importance and educational merit of the case – usually related to the diagnosis, prognosis, prevention or treatment.
    • 2 independent reviewers will review the abstracts, and up to 6 vignettes will be chosen for presentation.
    • When possible, at least one abstract will be chosen for presentation per residency program. Residency programs may submit more than one case vignette. However, if additional presentation slots are available in the competition after choosing one abstract per program, additional abstracts (maximum of 2 per residency program) will be selected.
    • Abstract submissions must be received before November 7, 2024 . Authors of abstracts accepted for the clinical case vignette competition will be notified by early December 2024. All abstract authors must be able to attend the CCPS meeting.
  • Abstract format for submission
    • Presenter Name:
    • Faculty Advisor Name:
    • Institution:
    • Title of Vignette:
    • Brief Abstract: (Limit 150 words):
  • Case presentations will be limited to 10 minutes
    • Presenters will be given a warning when 2 minutes are remaining and again when 30 seconds are remaining.
    • Presenters who go over the 10-minute allotted time will lose points when being scored for the competition.
    • Presenters who go beyond 12 minutes will not be allowed to continue their presentation as time constraints will not allow presentations beyond this time limit.
    • There will be a 5-minute period of audience questions and discussion following the presentation.
  • Vignettes will be judged on the following criteria:
    • Clarity of presentation (10 pts)
      • Concise, well organized, and complete
      • Verbal presentation
      • A/V materials
    • Significance (10 pts)
      • Clinically important
      • Contributes to knowledge
      • Interesting
    • Relevance to clinical practice (10 pts)
      • Unique overlap between medicine and psychiatry
      • Use of evidence-based methodology as applicable
    • Quality of Q&A and discussion period (5 pts)
    • Adherence to time limit. (-2 pts for 31-60 seconds over, -4 pts for 61-90 seconds over, -6 pts for 91-120 seconds over, -8 pts >2minutes over)
  • A prize will be awarded for the first and second place vignette

Tips for presenters:

Preparing a vignette presentation:
Useful tips are available on the ACP website at

Writing an abstract for submission:
Useful tips are available on the ACP website at